2006 Dodge Charger

Zaino Detail Job


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Great weather in Plantation to Zaino the SXT.   Yes, south Florida has hurricanes, but we also have 80 degree weather on New Years Eve.

Pictures are taken with the Canon 20D and 24-70L lens.  Click each picture to make it big.  Then back to return here.   

I bought the Zaino starter kit from their web site.   Here are the products I used on the Charger.

Since this was the first wax job, I washed the car with dish soap first as recommended, then washed it again with the Z7.    Where there were spots, I used the Claybar and they came out.  If you don't have a Claybar, just work them out with the Z7 and your wash rag.     Next, I mixed up the polish.  Take 2 ounces of the Z2 (pink bottle), put it in the smaller mixing bottle, and add 8 drops of the ZFX accelerator (tiny blue bottle).   After that, I applied it with the white pad.  

The Z2 goes on easy, and doesn't leave clumps in the door jams like carnauba wax. 

Above are pictures of the Charger with the Zaino applied.   I let it dry for 2 hours.   Then buffed it off with a soft towel.  The Z2 comes off real easy. 

Pictures were taken at a park, in the sunlight.    Look at the reflections in the paint.  Looks good.  

More pictures to view.  In the 3rd one, you can see the street lights.   In the 4th one, is me.

01/02/06 - A few days after taking the above pictures, I wiped down the car with Z6 (gloss enhancer), and dressed the tires.  The Z6 comes in a spray bottle.   You mist a 1 foot area, and then wipe it off with a dry towel.      I went back to the park and took a few more pictures.

The pictures above look even better since I wiped the car with the Z6 and dressed the tires. 

I'd recommend the Zaino kit.   At first, you'll be shocked when you find it's $90 to get started.   If you don't want to buy the starter kit, you could buy things separately.    I'd say you don't really need the Claybar, the Z5 (used for paint with scratches), or the Z6 (gloss enhancer)  that comes in the starter kit, but they're nice to have and try out.   Everything else you see in the first picture up above, you need.   That would be the Z7 car wash, the Z2 polish,  ZFX accelerator, and the white pad.     If you have any questions, send me an e-mail.  

Check out my Oil Filter page here.

2006 Dodge Charger Oil Filter

More details are here.

3.5L engine   http://www.searchforparts.com/guide/DODGE/2006/CHARGER/3.5L/G.php

5.7L engine   http://www.searchforparts.com/guide/DODGE/2006/CHARGER/5.7L/H.php

End of Report.   Thanks for reading.  

Email me at nogodforme@bellsouth.net.


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